Hygiene Tips From A Nerdy Black Bear: Beard And Facial Hair [Redux]

Nerdy Black Bear is back with another hygiene tip to help you become a better groomed man.

The topic for today is facial hair and how we may improve and care for our follicles. Facial hair, particularly beards, has become a sign of masculinity and a rite of passage for men to express themselves via their unique personalities and styles in modern culture.

Even fashion designers have begun to include bearded guys in their presentations and advertisements, which is a significant advancement in the fashion industry, since some designers are still stuck in the early 1990s, utilizing men who had to be smooth and entirely shaved from head to toe.

In my opinion, seeing more beefy and hairy men in the fashion industry is a huge step forward. And, to top it off, facial hair has been added to the homosexual community's fetish lexicon, not just for bears, but for gay men in general. As a result, facial hair has progressed from being merely stylish to becoming a valuable asset.

Growing Facial Hair

Allowing your hair to grow is one of the easiest ways to begin growing facial hair.

The main disadvantage for newcomers is that some guys feel itching.

This may not be a problem for individuals with tougher skin, but if you have delicate skin, you will have skin irritation.

There are a few things that can be done to alleviate the annoyance.

Using cold water, wash your face. It might assist to relieve inflammation by cooling the region. In some cases, an anti-itch cream will suffice. This won't completely eliminate the itch, but it will keep you from scratching your face off.

A lot of people make the rookie mistake of trimming their beards or mustaches too early in the growing process. Wait a couple of months before trimming so that the hair is at a length you're comfortable with. The reason for this is that if you cut it at the early stages and a mistake is made, it will take a while for the hair to regrow back. A small number of men out there can't grow facial hair, and sometimes that's due to genetics or medical issues. If you see a lot of patches where hair is growing in certain places on your face but not others, then you might want to change the style or make the ultimate decision to shave it all off.

Trimming And Shaping 

After a few months of growing your hair and getting it to a length that you prefer, it's time to trim and shape it into the style you want, but there are a few things you need think about first, such as the shape of your face.

Various facial hair styles will not suit your looks, so research some options online to get an idea of where you want to go.

If you have a reliable barber, look through his client list and talk to him about the best course of action for you.

Self Trimming, Shaping, & Tools

For those of you who like to do things on your own, make sure you have the necessary tools, such as clippers, trimmers, and a shaving kit.

These are essential tools for a well-groomed appearance.

It can be costly to find a nice set of clippers, but they will save you money in the long run.

I'll offer links to some wonderful grooming tools at the bottom of the page to assist those who prefer to do it themselves.

Keeping A Refreshed & Rejuvenated Beard

Many guys are unaware that they must shampoo and maintain their beards.

I see so many men not cleaning their facial hair on a daily basis, and the outcome is always a dry, untidy beard.

It's not appealing.

Treat your beard the same way you would your hair on top of your head.

Dirt, dust, and dead skin can seep into your beard and irritate your skin, so wash your facial hair with the same shampoo you use to wash your head.

It makes your hair easier to manage and trim in the future. Use a nice conditioner if you want your hair to shine even more. This will make your hair lustrous and soft, so your lover won't have to worry about cactus needles around your mouth when you become personal.

Links To Useful Beard Products

Disclaimer: before buying or using the products make sure that you do your own research and find out if the products shown on the link list works for you

Shea Moisture Products

Start your #beardgoals journey here with our Ultimate Beard Kit. Our Maracuja and Shea Butter Beard Collection essentials helps keep beards looking clean and scruff free. Begin cleansing with our best-selling beard wash to get any grime or residue out of your beard. Hydrate your beard with our lightweight beard oil to keep it shiny and moisturized.

Round out your routine with our beard balm to shape and provide shine on days when you want more texture added to your beard. Maracuja Oil and Shea Butter combine for the ultimate beard goals.

Beard Brand

This Beard Oil was cultivated after months of research and is made with only the finest natural blends of oils. Simply put, it is the best Beard Oil on the market. The Beardbrand Beard Oil is designed to be very lightweight and will help keep beard hair conditioned and shiny. Because it's a lightweight blend, it won't weigh down your beard or feel greasy.


For your beard Trimming needs


Bear Black Book: Matthew Jason Bloom aka Tensai


Influencer: Big Men Edition - Big Timbo 84