Jixsumo - Wayback Machine Chronicles (Throwback) [NSFW]

Jixsumo isn't a name you hear every day; however, for all the old heads of the internet, you know exactly who Jixsumo is.

My first interaction with Jixsumo was through a blog site called Phatbrothas, a site I normally frequent for my sexual big boy needs.

While searching through the blog, I came across the chubby man himself, Jixsumo, a confident man with tattoos who loves showing off his body, and knowing me, I had to know more about this man and engage in his content. However, when doing some research, I noticed that his site was long gone, lost in time.

but there was a chance to see his content, not in its full working glory, but it will fill the interest I have for Jixsumo. After many searches, I found the Jixsumo site with the help of the Wayback Machine.

From there, I clicked on the Jixsumo archived page and found pictures, stories, writing, and more—all the content I needed to satisfy this curious bear.

If you guys are curious like I am and want to check out his page yourself, information will be available below.


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