Bear Black Book: Leonard Earl Howze

When it comes to people's perceptions of what sexiness implies when it comes to their standards of beauty, dark-skinned males in Hollywood are sometimes neglected.

This concept of beauty has been passed down to the bear community, thus for this piece, I decided to focus on a dark chocolate, thick actor who is frequently forgotten in many people's Man Crush Mondays lists.

I first encountered Leonard Earl Howze as Dinka, a bashful, kind-hearted employee at the up-and-coming neighborhood barbershop, in the smash-hit films Barbershop and Barbershop 2.

But it was his scene in Barbershop 2 where he strolled out the door, revealing his dark chocolate skin and hairy chest, that prompted me to add Leonard Earl Howze to my Bear Black Book.

He quickly became one of my favorite black performers, and his inclusion in the Black Bear Book is well deserved.

Even though Leonard Earl Howze is best known for his performance as Dinka in the Barbershop film, he continued to act in modest roles in movies, television shows, and short films after that.

With each credit on Leonard's acting career, I began to go back and review his prior work, and I grew to be a fan of his.

Hopefully, Hollywood will recognize Leonard Earl Howze as a valuable commodity and cast him in important roles in the future.

Barbershop 2 : Back To Business

Barbershop 2 : Dinka Shirtless Scene

Leonard Earl Howze Interviews


Influencer: Big Men Edition - J Scott (Bear+Bull)


Influencer: Big Men Edition -Buki